
Exakt, Exakt Lite and Silk updates


Exakt, Exakt Lite and Silk have been updated.

Exakt has been updated to version 1.2.0.
Exakt Lite has been updated to version 2.2.0.
Silk has been updated to version 1.2.0.

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New Soundset for Silk


Sonic Sirius has created an impressive soundset for Silk.

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Exakt and Exakt Lite updates


Exakt and Exakt Lite have been updated.

Exakt has been updated to version 1.1.0.
50 more presets from Warkauze have been added. These can be heard in the new demo track #3.
In addition to a few corrections, we have added another notable feature. Exakt now has 12-bit DAC emulation. This can be switched on per preset.

Exakt Lite has been updated to version 2.1.0.
A few bugs have been fixed, please update your installation.

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New Exakt and Exakt Lite plugins


The Exakt Lite FM synth plugin has been completely rewritten and is released today.
Also available is the "non-lite", commercial Exakt FM synth.

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Bugfixes for Silk synthesizer, Apple ARM compatibility


The Silk synthesizer has been updated.
Two bugfixes have been made and the compatibility with Apple ARM processors has been ensured.

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Website relaunch


The Sonicbits website has been completely reworked and redesigned.

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PayPal payment option has been added


Apart from using MasterCard and Visa credit cards, plugins can now be bought via PayPal.

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Silk has been updated to v1.0.3


Silk has been updated to version 1.0.3. We have fixed a few bugs. Please update your installation.

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New Silk preset demo


Boing Poum Tchak! has made a video playing some Silk presets.

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Silk has been updated to v1.0.2


Silk has been updated to version 1.0.2. We have fixed a bug. Please update your installation.

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